Married for 60 years and died alone by CoronaVirus in the same day

After China Italy is suffering a lot due to massive CoronaVirus outbreak. Today we received a heart breaking story of an Italian Couple.

From Albino, Italy, Severa Belotti, 82, and Luigi Carrara, 86, who was married for 60 years just died hour apart due to CoronaVirus Infection. The couple was locked at home for eight days along with fever of 39 degrees. Last weekend they were taken to the Bergamo Hospital but they were unable to survive.

Theri son Luca Carrara said that he was unable to say goodbye to his parents and they died alone in the hospital. He also added “Your loved ones stay alone and you cannot say bye, hug them, trying to give some comfort”. Luca wrote a heart touching message on social media.

Hi mum and dad, this bad virus made you leave the same day, will you keep bickering up there too? I think so, but then everything ended up in a hug

Luca complained about the hospital saying that – “they (the staff) do not know where to put patients, probably because doctors are doing a selection and letting the elderly people leave”.

Luca is currently in quarantine with his family, also told that his father had no pre-existing medical conditions, saying “my father did not know what going to the doctor was” and said that “the truth is that this is not the common flu, it is a terrible flu and if you end up in hospital, you leave dead or alive”.

The devastated son was unable to see his parents’ bodies as they were taken to the cemetery and will be cremated within days because “there are too many dead people”.

There have been over 12,500 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Italy, it is the most anywhere outside of mainland China, and 827 people have died already and still counting.
