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World most beautiful churches

1. Las Lajas Cathedral (Colombia, South America)
Las Lajas Cathedral was built in 1916.It was built inside the canyon of the guaitara river.You can find it southern colombian depertment of narino,minicipaliaty of ipiales,near the border with Ecuador.It is very much beautiful to look at.Peoples loves it for it’s architectural design because the architect of the church is very nice.It is counted as one of the beautiful churches of the world.
2.Borgund Stave Church (Laerdal, Norway)

steave churches may have been very usual all over mediaval northwestern europe.It is very much valuabe in religious views.Borgund steave churches loceted in borgund.The church is made with wooden. It was assume that,this wooden churches may be built in the end of the 12th century.It has not changed structure or had a major reconstruction since the date it was built.The church is also featured as a wonder for the viking civilization in the video game Age of Empires II:The Age of Kings.

3.Duomo, Milan cathedral (Milan, Italy)

It’s a very beatiful churchs in the world. It is the cathederal in Milan, Italy. The plan consists of a nave with four side aisles. The height of the nave is about 45 meters. The roof is open to the tourist for a certain fees.The cathedral’s have five broad naves, divided by 40 pillars, are reflected in the hierarchic opening of the facade. The huge building is of brick construction.It faced with marble from the quarries which gian galeazzo visconti donated in perpetuity to the cathedral chapter.Its maintenance and repairs are very complicated.Milan’s cathedral has recently developed a new lighting system based on LED.

4.Notre Dame du Haut (Ronchamp,France)

Notre Dam du haut church is located in Ronchamp, at France. It is one of the beautiful churches in the world. People says that the roof of this building looks like Elvis hair and the Panda agree. The chaple of Notre dame du haurt was completed in 1954.It is considered one of the finest examples of architecture by the late French/Swiss architect Le Courbusier.The interesting things of it that when it rains, water pours off the slanted roof onto a fountain and creating a dramatic water fall.

5.St joseph Ukrainian catholic Church (Chicago,IL,USA)

It is in chicago at USA. It is an ukrainian church. St joseph ukrainan catholic church is best known for its ultra-modern thirteen gold domed roof symbolizing the twelve apostles.There have christ as the largest centre of the dome.It was built in 1956 by joseph shary.It was architect by Zenon Mazurkevich. It is one of the finest church in the world.

6. St. Michael’s Golden-Domed monastery (Kiev,Ukrane)

St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery is a functioning monastery in Kiev, Ukraine. The monastery is located on the western side of the dniper river. The site is located in the historic and administrative uppertown and overlooks the city’s historical and marchent quarter,the podil neighbourhood. The cathedral was demolished by the soviet authorities in the 1930s. But it was recently reconstructed after Ukraine gained its independence.

7.Cathedral of Maringa (Parana,Brazil)

It is a roman cathedral located in downtown Maringa, paruna, Brazil. The church is almost 124 miter high. It was completed in 1972. It is the tallest church in south America and 16th tallest in the world.Architect Josa Augusto Bellucci was inspired by the soviet sputnik satellites when he projected the modern design with conical shape of the cathedral. It is very beautiful to look from the outside. It is very much popular in the city.

8.Church of Arbore (Suceava country,Romania)

The church of Arbore is dedicated to Saint John the Baptist. Its painted church was the first Moldavian painted church to be included on the UNESCO World Heritage List.The monastery and the commune are named after the Boyer Luca Arbore.It was built in 1503.The erection of the church was completed in about 5 months. Its exterior painting date from 1541 and were made by Dragoay Coman. the painting took about 40 years.

9.Saint-Michel d,Aiguilhe chapel (Le Puy-en-Velay,France)

Perhaps one of the mostremarkable sights in France,a chapel perched on a volcanic plug. the Chapelle Saint-Michel has stood there for 1042 years.The Bishop Gothescalk had built it in 962 on his return from a pilgrimage to Santiago del Compostella in Galicia.In 1955 workers found relics under the alter that had been there since it was built.

10.The Chapel on the Rock(Allenspark,Colorado,USA)

The founder of Camp St.Malo,Monsignor Joseph Bosetti,had for years entertained an idea that one day he would build a chapel on this site.In 1916 he and two friends observed a falling meteor during the night and in his search for the remnants the next morning , he came across a large rock.The beauty of the land inspired the priest and he remembered jesus words to peter:”Upon this rock, I will build my church”.Vowing one day to build a chapel here, Msgr. Bosetti prayed for nearly 20 years to acquire the funds.Eventually,Msgr. Bosetti won the battle and years later, when the chapel became a reality,it was reported that a group of engineers who laid out the road came to the dedication and thanked him for his perseverance.
In 1993, Pope john paul II visited the chapel during his trip to Denver for the World Youth Day and bestowed his personal blessing on the chapel.


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